About Us

The Michigan Center Athletic Boosters is actively involved in Michigan Center Athletics with organizing home athletic events by coordinating all volunteers needed to run concessions and sell apparel in the Spirit Shop. The Boosters also award Student Athlete Scholarships, organizes the annual Cash Bash, numerous Meet the Team Nights during the seasons and many other items.

The money that is received is put to use for many projects and equipment that will aide the student athlete. This support is above and beyond what the school budget allows.  The Boosters also assists in keeping an athletic trainer on staff to ensure the health and safety of the athletes.  All in all, the MC Athletic Boosters provides tremendous support to the district and its students.  There is always room for those who would like to offer a hand. Whatever you like--from organizing to dishing out hotdogs--there is a spot for you!! 

If you would like to help in any way, please fill out the ‘Contact Me’ form below! 

Accepting ALL Volunteers!

We would LOVE to have your help!


Board and Booster Members:

President: Tim Keyes Vice President: Anne Metheringham

Secretary: Sarah Tripp Treasurer: Wendy Chitwood Co-Treasurer: Erika Nahal

Members: Sara Mays, Meaghan Howland, Becki Nutt,

contact: MichiganCenterAthleticBoosters@gmail.com